How Can we help your business?

Campaign Management

We lead marketing strategy, planning and execution for your artist’s single / EP / album campaign, managing plans across all channels including social, digital, PR, radio, TV, influencers, and OOH.

Team Management

We source, onboard, and then manage all planning & communication with wider team supporting the campaign – be that external suppliers such as publicists, radio pluggers, influencer agencies, designers, directors, TV pluggers or photographers.

Social Analysis

We conduct social listening, taking a deep dive into your artist’s social media presence and audience, using data to inform and advise on best practice and future strategy.

Digital Ad Buying

We manage the artist’s digital advertising campaign, employing best practices to ensure cost effective plans that drive engagement and conversions via a personalised strategy, in partnership with a third-party partner.

Social Media Strategy

We pitch creative content ideas for the release plan, keeping latest social trends at the forefront of all strategy.

We design the day-to-day social rollout plan surrounding the release, plotting ideas, content, copy and formats across all channels.

Asset Creation

We lead creation of assets, sourcing and managing top level creatives from photographers and editors, to designers, animators and directors.

We manage the creative process from start to finish, ensuring the highest quality of promotional materials such as music videos, artwork, animations, AR filters and press shots in line with overall branding objectives and artist positioning.

OOH Management

We manage the artist’s overall OOH outdoor campaign, planning across all forms of physical marketing including but not limited to events, billboards, digital screens, pop ups and in person stunts with a third-party partner.

Creative Solutions

We brainstorm a constant stream of creative solutions to take the success of the artist campaign to the next level, pitching ideas across content, partnerships, design and activation opportunities per release. We then strategise, plan and execute to make the selected ideas a reality.

Updates & Reporting

We deliver campaign updates on a weekly/bi-weekly basis; including updates on social growth, new PR, TV & Radio coverage, and key campaign information such as timeline changes, new release dates and anything else relevant to our shareholders.

Budget Management

We create and manage the marketing budget for the artist’s campaign, advising on allocation per category and tracking and reporting spend across all categories including promotion, advertising, content, outdoor and more.

Business Benefits

Catering to Female Artists

The Problem

You have a female artist on your roster who is incredibly talented with huge potential to blow up. For some reason however it just feels like something is missing, or something isn't working as well as it should with the current perspective and strategy.

Our Solution

Our team specialises in working with female talent. We have the skills, experience and expertise to curate successful campaigns tailored to female artists, with a deep-rooted understanding of their audience and how to speak & connect with them best.

Getting Your Time Back

The Problem

Due to other priorities and responsibilities, you and your team might no currently have the time to execute a specific artist’s marketing campaign to the full extent of its potential.

Our Solution

We take complete ownership of projects to give you back valuable time that can be better spent on other high-return priorities. Our priority is designing and leading your artist’s campaign for you, then executing plans to the full extent of a release’s potential.

Accessing Our Resources

The Problem

You have some really great ideas for putting together content, activations, partnerships and overall strategy for your artist - but without the right people, you know the execution won't match the expectation.

Our Solution

We have a wide network and extensive database of creatives and industry professionals. We pride ourselves on being able to build, connect and onboard strong teams that work in alignment with campaign goals and in cohesion with each other.

Filling Staffing Gaps

The Problem

Your business may have a staffing issue, potentially going through a transitional period, team members have recently moved on or there’s just been a re-shuffling. Quality of marketing output has suffered, as there just aren't enough hands on deck to market releases effectively.

Our Solution

As external contractors, we are able to fill any gaps on your team very quickly. We can be your immediate and flexible solution to staffing issues, allowing you to quickly onboard a new marketing manager to take over a priority campaign.


The Problem

You have an artist that needs a lot of attention and require a new marketing manager to lead the campaign. However, hiring a new manager is not only time consuming, it's also expensive. This often is not cost-efficient, especially if a new manager is only needed to specifically market one high priority artist.

Our Solution

Working with us means paying a set monthly fee instead of a salary. We give you immediate access to the key skills which our marketing managers provide, complete flexibility to ensure we’re only working when needed, and present your business with a more financially viable recruitment solution than a permanent hire.

Energising Campaigns

The Problem

Sometimes campaigns can feel stagnant, team members demotivated and the well running dry of new ideas to help push a release forward. Your business needs a new perspective to bring a fresh lease of life into a campaign, and inspire a new burst of energy into your team, and even into your artist.

Our Solution

We love helping businesses look at things differently. Creativity is our backbone; we pride ourselves on the ability to challenge conventional marketing and try things others may not have considered. We bring fresh perspectives, creativity and a different way of approaching, organising and actioning ideas, to drive results.

You're Prioritised

The Problem

In many agencies, managers juggle a roster of 7-10 artists at one time. This can become unsustainable as when a manager's attention is split between too many projects, talented artists and great releases get left behind, not getting the time and attention they deserve.

Our Solution

Because we choose the quantity and quality of our clientele ourselves, our dedication is unmatched. We only work on projects we’re truly passionate about, and therefore 100% invested in their success. We work with 3-4 clients at a time, so your artist receives the dedicated time, energy and output they need to be successful.

Increase Partner Satisfaction

The Problem

When an artist isn’t getting the time, energy or focus that they feel they need from their team for their release, partners such as the artist and/or manager can become frustrated, often leading to many issues such as lack of communication and unnecessary cogs in a campaign.

Our Solution

Onboarding a marketing manager specifically to lead this artist’s campaign, shows the artist and management that the campaign is important, valued and deserving of resources. This results in increased artist and management satisfaction, as well as a better campaign and increased growth for the artist and business.


The Problem

Many marketing agencies take a one-size-fits-all approach to the services they provide, and businesses can end up paying way more to include services they just don’t need.

Our Solution

We know every client and campaign is different. Through the personalised packages we offer, we ensure our services are tailored to the unique needs of our clients. That way our clients only pay for what they need.